Our Programme

Skill Training

Skill Training

Children, especially those who are not eligible for education in formal school are helped in our functional literacy classes and also in skill training classes. DARE has a fashion design centre for such children and DARE also sends children to other centers for skill training. Some of the girls after completing a short stay at our centre express their desire to continue to stay back and we do help some of them who are above 18 to develop skills while doing part time work in the centre. We also help the boys and girls for higher education, to get them out of the railway station and a bright future is ensured to them.

Children are helped to develop their talents in many fields like computer, dance, music etc. Every Saturday a music teacher comes to teach them music, tabla and harmonium. During summer vacation the children are taught Indian classical dance and music by professionals. Every Sunday they are given opportunity to learn popular dance and on every Saturday hymns and music. They are also given opportunity to learn fine arts and crafts, self defence and skill in reading and writing.