Our Programme

Functional Literacy Class for the children at the Railway Station

Functional Literacy Class for the children

One of the major Activities of DARE is the Non-Formal Education/Literacy classes (NFE) near to five Railway Stations in Varanasi. One is at Kharbujabasti near Varanasi Cantonment Railway Station, second is at TeliyanaPhatak near City Railway Station, third is at Sarnath Railway Station, fourth is at Kashi Railway Station and fifth is at Banaras Railway Station. These classes are attended daily for three to four hours by more than 250 children. We celebrate different events, feasts and festivals of our country with them. Since parents of these kids are illiterate, it is a big challenge for us to motivate them to send their kids daily to literacy centers. The main aim of these literacy classes is to create interest in kids to go to formal schools.